Changing Your Lifestyle and Diet Necessary To Combat Obesity

Changing Your Lifestyle and Diet Necessary To Combat Obesity

Obesity is the root cause of almost all lifestyle diseases. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of coronary artery disease, hypertension, fatty liver, and PCOD among other health problems. Here are some tips for weight management.

1. Don't Starve Yourself

Although restrictive diets will result in short-term weight loss, most people find it hard to maintain them for long and give up within a few weeks. What's more, long-time dieting would reduce your Basal metabolic rate and damage your gut and stomach. Instead of following a fad diet or overexercising, adopt a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain for life and that suits your individual needs.

2. Have Dinner Early And Avoid Late-Night Snacking

Set a time for dinner and stop eating after that – No late-night snacking. If you have the habit of something sweet after dinner, drink a cup of tea, or enjoy a small bowl of light ice cream or frozen yogurt. Brush your teeth after dinner and you will be less likely to eat or drink anything else.

3. Add A Source Of Protein At Each Meal And Snack

This will help keep you feeling full longer and prevent overeating. Low-fat yogurt, nuts, peanut butter, eggs, beans, or lean meats are some good choices to up your protein intake.

4. Move More, Stay Active Throughout The Day

Sitting for long hours may lead to obesity and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart ailments. You spend an hour at the gym every day but still, you are not losing weight as expected? You could be spending the rest of the day sitting. Make sure you stay active throughout the day, move more, stretch your muscles, and use stairs as far as possible.

5. Maintain A Regular Sleep-Wake Cycle

It has been proven that people who sleep for less than seven hours a day are less likely to lose weight than those who sleep for more than seven hours. Getting enough sleep can help reduce stress and rejuvenate your system. But remember both the quality of sleep and the quantity of sleep are important. Do not use your phone or watch TV close to bedtime. Instead, listen to some soothing music for a sound sleep.


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