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How to Fix Asymmetrical Face,5 Facial Exercises for Improving it

Do you occasionally notice that you have an asymmetrical face? Especially when taking photos, the camera highlights your facial details, and that's when we feel our faces are not symmetrical. It is a common occurrence only 2% of the world's population have symmetrical faces, so there’s no need to feel anxious or inferiority complex about it. Face yoga can effectively improve facial asymmetry and make you look more sculpted.

What Causes Face Asymmetrical?

Most asymmetrical faces won't be obvious to the naked eye, but the difference will be magnified on camera. It drives individuals who love photography to seek ways of gaining facial symmetry. Additionally, according to Healthline, facial symmetry may be passed down through genes to the next generation, which is why people ask their partners to have symmetrical faces.

Why are Asymmetrical Faces So Common?

Heredity and exposure to the sun are causes of an asymmetry face, as is aging. In addition, poor posture such as stilted legs and sedentary behavior can cause facial asymmetry. Lifestyle habits such as sleeping on your stomach and smoking can also lead to asymmetrical faces. However, these are daily habits developed over a long period. Short-term causes of it may be wisdom teeth extraction or the use of dentures, which can quickly change the musculature of the face and cause facial asymmetry.

Acute medical conditions such as stroke and paralysis can also cause severe facial asymmetry. Seek medical attention if any noticeable, sudden onset of facial paralysis occurs.

How to Check Your Face Symmetry?

Take a selfie photo of your front face, crop the photo in half depending on the line from forehead to chin, as it’s the center line, leaving the left or the right half of your face, and then flip the photo horizontally through tools, and the flipped photo will form a new and complete face with the original picture, which can then be compared with your original selfie, and the bigger the difference means that the face asymmetry is more obvious.

Face Yoga that Helps with an Asymmetrical Face

Facial symmetry is influenced by various factors including genetics, muscle tone, and lifestyle habits. While face yoga exercises aren't scientifically proven to significantly change facial symmetry, they may help improve muscle tone and relaxation. Here are a few exercises that are commonly suggested:

  1. Cheek Puffing: Inflate your cheeks with air and hold for a few seconds. Release and repeat several times. This exercise helps to strengthen and tone the cheek muscles.

  2. Eye Focus: Focus your eyes on a point directly in front of you, then slowly move your gaze to the left, hold briefly, and then move it to the right. Repeat this several times to improve eye-muscle coordination.

  3. Forehead Smoother: Place your fingers above your eyebrows and gently smooth the skin upwards, while simultaneously raising your eyebrows. This can help relax forehead muscles and potentially reduce lines.

  4. Fish Face: Suck in your cheeks to make a fish face, hold for a few seconds, and then relax. Repeat several times to work the cheek muscles.

  5. Neck and Jaw Toner: Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Pucker your lips as if to kiss the ceiling and hold for a few seconds. This can help tone the neck and jawline muscles.

Consistency is key with face yoga exercises, but their effects can vary widely among individuals. For significant changes in facial symmetry, consulting with a medical professional or a specialized facial therapist might be more effective.

Ways of Gaining Symmetrical Face

If you are self-conscious about the size of your face or the asymmetry of the two sides of your face, you can correct yourself by changing your bad habits, exercising, and massaging your face.

  1. Bad habits: long-term partial chewing, long-term lying on the same side, etc., may lead to asymmetry between the two sides of the face, daily can be corrected by chewing habits, adjusting the sleeping posture, and other ways to improve.

  2. exercise: daily can also try to carry out some facial exercises, such as four-step unarmed face exercise, facial weight loss exercise, etc., to promote facial blood circulation, thus helping to correct the asymmetry of the two sides of the face.

  3. Massage face: fingers together, the palm of the tiger's mouth on the position of the chin, and then from the bottom to the top of the light pressure sliding; for the cheek parts, the use of the thumb and forefinger gently pinched the way, from both sides of the nose to the direction of the inter-auricular slowly sliding massage; jaw to the clavicle parts, can also be coated in the maintenance of the product, the use of the palm from the top to the bottom of the light patting and sliding, to enhance the elasticity of the skin of the jaw and the neck and the power of support.

It is worth reminding that the above methods are only more effective for temporary or mild symptoms. If the symptoms are obvious, different treatment measures need to be taken according to the causes of facial asymmetry, which mainly include the treatment of primary diseases of the oral cavity, or facial fillers, facial liposuction, Botox injections, surgical correction, and so on.

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